Call for Abstract

22st World Congress on Nursing, Pharmacology and Healthcare , will be organized around the theme “Explore the Pharmacological Boundaries for Nursing and Healthcare”

Pharma Nursing 2018 is comprised of 13 tracks and 63 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Pharma Nursing 2018.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

Pharmacovigilance is the practice of scientific methods that has been used to track record and analyse the effect of pharmaceutical with a focus on determining and maintaining the quality and safety of consumer medicines and also it is the process of detecting, evaluating and preventing the adverse effects of medicines. Nurses can play a very important role in Pharmacovigilance as in certain countries like Sweden for instance; they are licensed to prescribe a limited number of drug, and in most other countries. In every year number of people die due to Adverse Drug Reactions (ADR). It becomes important for all people of clinical trial to be aware of how to report ADRs so that pharmaceutical companies will improve drug safety and efficacy in the future. To provide patient safety there is a need to focus on how to train nurses in Pharmacovigilance. The need of the hour is to make them aware of the concept of clinical trials and Pharmacovigilance. Nurses, in their position as drug administrators who record signs and symptoms of the patients, play an important role for detection of suspected ADRs.


  • Track 1-1Adverse Event Reporting
  • Track 1-2Patient safety and continuous vigilance
  • Track 1-3Risk/benefit profile of drugs
  • Track 1-4Risk management

Pharmacology is the study of drug interactions and the properties of drugs as their biochemical and physiologic effects on the human metabolism. Switching from biological science to a social science of nursing care has resulted in the reduction in pharmacology knowledge. One of the perspectives of nurse role in pharmacology is to provide safe administration of medications. It is an important requirement of the nurses they should know not only how to administrate the medications to patient but also how to determine whether the intended effects are occurred. This has an impact on nurse prescribing training where pharmacology is a critical component from a patient safety perspective. Without understanding of drugs and their effects they can’t able to meet the legal responsibilities of the patients.

  • Track 2-1Importance of education of pharmacology to nurse
  • Track 2-2Nurse knowledge of pharmacology behind drugs
  • Track 2-3Essentials of pharmacology
  • Track 2-4Role of nurse in pharmacology

Medication errors are sometimes leads to the serious consequences. Most of the medication errors are occur due to the failure of conscientious about checking the right drug is given to the patient. The drug reaction is causing unexpected side effects when the patient directed to have two or multiple drugs that react with one another on that case the nurses need to keep in mind what potential drug interactions can occur in order to avoid medication error. To prevent the medication errors the nurse must be familiar with both generic and trade names of the drugs.

  • Track 3-1Legal and ethical consideration
  • Track 3-2Patient focus considerations
  • Track 3-3Principles of Drug administrations

Healthcare management provide services for diagnosis, treatment and prevention from diseases, disorders, complete mental and physical impairment to patients. It provides directions to organizations to deliver health care services and they support the services provided by the health care organizations. This management is fully comprised of social activities for the purpose of accomplishing a predetermined objective through human. It describes refers to the management of hospitals, hospital networks, and health care systems, at the different levels of organization and planning of clinical activities and support processes. Also referred as medical and health services or health administration, health management ensures that the outcomes are attained, that different areas within a health organization are running appropriately, that jobs are correctly defined and assessed and that resources are used efficiently.

  • Track 4-1Social media in health care
  • Track 4-2Patient privacy
  • Track 4-3Cost cutting focus
  • Track 4-4Drug shortage
  • Track 4-5In service training
  • Track 4-6Insight on the knowledge of health care professionals

Increasing health care cost is one the biggest challenge in health management and health care organizations. It is posing a serious challenge for the people with the low income. The healthcare cost is rising rapidly and we have many new infectious diseases. The technology has made the treatment effective, but these technologies have reduced the birth rate as well. The challenges are derived from various factors including the implementation of new legislations, new technologies and the shift of patients. As per the Affordable health care act 2012, the health carereform works to enhance the quality of health care in US

  • Track 5-1Strategic management of health care organizations
  • Track 5-2Quality maintenance
  • Track 5-3Human resources
  • Track 5-4Financial
  • Track 5-5Healthcare reform
  • Track 5-6Leadership
  • Track 5-7Comprehensive financial planning strategies of doctors and professionals
  • Track 5-8Aftermath of natural disaster

Pharmacology in clinical practice describes the pharmacology of important groups of drug in the therapeutic use of medications. The Basic components of clinical practice include prescribing drugs, administering drugs, monitoring prescriptions, managing drug use, and counselling patients. Clinical practice plays a vital role in prescription of drugs. When prescribing the drugs, the nurse should aware about the detailed description of that particular drug before it’s given to the patient. Evidence based nursing care be incorporated into clinical practice settings to improve patients outcome. Nurse educators and clinical nurse educators can have facilitate evidence-based nursingthrough learning activities

  • Track 6-1Pharmacovigilence in clinical practice
  • Track 6-2Medicine development and safety testing
  • Track 6-3Medication knowledge and list of errors among nurses
  • Track 6-4Clinical practice in emergency medicine

Health care professionals play an important role in the long-term monitoring of commonly prescribed drugs. As professionals, they should be able to advise patients or know when to refer them to other experts in the health care team. Health care professionals are increasingly being involved in the administration and prescription of pain medicines to patients. So they should know the purpose of prescribing.

  • Track 7-1Medicine, the law and health care professions
  • Track 7-2Non medical- prescribing
  • Track 7-3Administration and prescription of drug
  • Track 7-4Supplementary prescribing
  • Track 7-5Application of pharmacology knowledge in medicine management

Forensic Nursing is an innovative and evolving nursing speciality that seeks to address health care issues that have a medico-legal component. Although forensic nursing has been practised informally by nurses in various sectors for many years, it has only recently been recognized formally in response to an increasing level of sophistication in identifying its unique body of knowledge.

Crime and violence bring together two of the most powerful systems that impact the daily lives of citizens throughout the world; health and justice. Violence crime and its associated trauma are issues that concern physician, nurses, attorneys, judges, sociologists, psychologists, social workers, forensic and political scientists, advocates, and activists, as well as criminal justice agencies. No one from any of these disciplines can continue to work in isolation. Effective forensic case management has been hampered by lack of sufficient policy and legislation to ensure the protection of patients, legal, civil and human rights. Reducing and preventing human violence requires a multidisciplinary, multidirectional approach.

  • Track 8-1Roles and responsibilities of forensic nurses.
  • Track 8-2Forensic nurse care.
  • Track 8-3Forensic science.
  • Track 8-4Clinical forensic practice.
  • Track 8-5Forensic health care.

Contemporary psychiatric nursing has its recent history in the custodial model of care which caused the mentally ill to be isolated, frequently under lock and key, from the rest of the population. The main purpose of psychiatric nursing was to contain patients, keep them in reasonable physical health, and to prevent patients from harming themselves, other patients, and staff. The custodial role of the nurse in these areas was of paramount importance, with the psychiatrist being the sole source of decision making, determining the type and focus of nursing care, and generally being responsible for all aspects of patient treatment. 

  • Track 9-1Mental health status.
  • Track 9-2Human response.
  • Track 9-3Nursing practice.
  • Track 9-4Medical model.
  • Track 9-5Psychiatric nurse.

Nowadays the importance of scientific knowledge has been increasing and health-care applications are changing rapidly. The increasingly aging population, chronic treatment of acute illness depending on which treatment applications have changed the perspective on the quality of the patient's care and maintenance. Innovation is the most important tool for improving the community's quality of life. Usually, the concept of innovation in the health sector and in particular for nursing, new approaches, technologies and ways of working is described as a process of development. Innovation is vital for improving the quality of nursing care and its sustainability. The planning of the nursing practice, submission, and evaluation of the use of innovative strategies are among the key factors that directly affect the quality of the service

  • Track 10-1Challenges in innovation.
  • Track 10-2Transformation in nursing.
  • Track 10-3Current trends in nursing.
  • Track 10-4Innovation and exploitation in nursing.
  • Track 10-5Impacts on society.

Health care organization’s goal is to provide comprehensive quality in health care services. The recent progress in health care services is changing the concept of preventable disease .In the modern era, the preventive health careservices deals with a wide range of health hazards like chronic diseases. The health care revolutionizing in patient care has improved with the help of recent innovations in medical field from surgical robots to “smart hospital”. By 2018 current report on Mobility and cloud access is one the recent trends in health care it’s estimated that around 65% of interactions with health care facilities will occur by mobile devices

  • Track 11-1Marketing Trend
  • Track 11-2Tech Trend
  • Track 11-3Tele Trend
  • Track 11-4Health care consumerism
  • Track 11-5EHR (Electronic Health Records)
  • Track 11-6Information governance

Geriatric Nursing is the specialty of nursing pertaining to older adults. They work in collaboration with older adults, their families, and communities to support healthy aging, maximum functioning, and quality of life. Geriatric Nurses help elderly patients. These older adults are at greater risk of injuries and diseases like osteoporosis, Alzheimer's and cancer, which is why Geriatric Nurses focus on preventative care. They also help patients, and their families, cope with certain medical conditions that develop later in life. Geriatric nurses work in a variety of settings, including acute care hospitals, rehabilitation, nursing homes, assisted living facilities, retirement homes, community health agencies, and the patient's home. Geriatric nursing includes generalist and specialist practice.

  • Track 12-1Gerontology.
  • Track 12-2Roles and responsibility of geriatric nurse.
  • Track 12-3Implications for nursing practice.
  • Track 12-4Care of patients with dementia.
  • Track 12-5Patient demographics.

The medicine management is a care provided by the pharmacologists. Their role in drug therapy is to improve the patient outcomes. Medicine management is delivering the cost effective and potential medicines to the patient. The administration of drug and drug delivery responsibilities was taken by them for that they have some standards like prescribing. If the patient unable to take the prescription provided by the prescriber so they can contact the prescriber through remote access. It assumes vital part in the field of social insurance to give human services support to each side of the world. Social insurance is a standout among the hugest Healthcare meeting where most prominent individual identified with the Healthcare Services will take an interest and share their encounters.

  • Track 13-1Safety in medicine management
  • Track 13-2Clinical governance in the use of medicine
  • Track 13-3Administration of medicines